The flow starts when Item is updated in your QuickBooks Online company. We then create a condition that the name equals a certain value. In our testing case it is “Coffee Beans”. Now we have an item, Coffee beans, that will trigger an action if it is updated in your QuickBooks company.
The next thing — we create a condition if the quantity on hand is less than 50, the Vendor needs to be notified.
When creating that particular action, at this point we are able to choose between emailing, calling and texting the vendor with our custom message. We have chosen to say “Please provide the shipment of the product at your earliest convenience” in an Email.
Emailing/SMS/Calling the Vendor is the ultimate action of this flow.
In total we have:
Start: Item Update
Conditions: Item Name equals “…”; Quantity On Hand Less Than “…”
Action: Vendor is Emailed
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Does this work with payroll? For instance, I would love if some of my clients could receive a reminder to schedule their tax payments on the first day of the month following the date they cut a paycheck. I’m not seeing paycheck in your trigger list.
Hello Karen,
Thank you for asking! You can build a flow in case you know the exact date your clients get a paycheck. So, you have to set up the flow for every client or QuickBooks company. The reason we do not have paycheck triggers inside the app is that QuickBooks does not provide open Payroll API, but if the rules are changed, we will implement paycheck triggers into the app. Our support team will be glad to figure out a solution for you based on your case if you could provide more details by contacting us using online chat or email. We will be glad to assist!